Photographers worldwide suffer from chronic pain, yet most of them do not like talking about being in pain because they were taught to act professionally. Photographers are taught to endure and not to complain about anything uncomfortable, and be accommodating to their clients. While on the job, it is common for photographers to just “grin and bear” whatever body pain they are going through.
Still, several have admitted that they have been suffering from chronic pain over the last few years. Some photographers say they do not seek any sort of medical treatment other than for relief of body pain. However, this should not be the case because pain is the way by which nerves communicate to the brain that something is not right. Not getting treatment could endanger their health, as it can develop into becoming pain that will stop them from practicing their profession.
What Causes Chronic Pain Among Photographers?
In order to capture the perfect photos, photographers have to bring along heavy pieces of photography equipment, and in most cases, have to endure uncomfortable positions just to take a perfect shot.
Although compared to older versions of cameras, modern cameras are much more lightweight. Yet the thing is, professional photographers now spend more time taking pictures, which means their cameras are hung around their necks most of the time. After a shoot, they still need to cull their shots, edit, and sometimes blog to promote their photography business.
Many photographers are not aware that their chronic pain is now known as peripheral neuropathy, which could be a symptom of an undiagnosed disorder. Neuropathy can also be pain caused by damaged nerves due to constant compression or pinching, poor blood circulation or poor posture; or at worse, a combination of all
Harvard Medical School even tags it as the “invisible disability” because a person who suffers from neuropathy can be overwhelmed by the pain. Enough to disable him from carrying out normal activities. .
The Importance of Neuropathy Treatments
According to a study by the Institute of Medicine, pain that lasts longer that the original injury or illness, which if left untreated can evolve into a new disease. Neuropathy as recent studies have show is pain deemed as an indication of an illness until it becomes the illness itself, enough to disable an affected person.
A professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins, Michael Polydefkis M.D., stated that if the pain is ignored, peripheral neuropathy can evolve into a much worse type of neurological dysfunction. That is why he constantly reminds primary care doctors not to ignore complaints of chronic pain but to always take them seriously; even if the patient only mentions feelings of slight numbness.
Experiencing the same pain over and over again can affect the central nervous system and cause central sensitization. The condition is a phenomenon where the body becomes more sensitive even at the slightest touch. Delaying the treatment for neuropathy can also cause anxiety, insomnia, depression, and the incapacity to perform ordinary work.
Neuropathy Treatments Available
While it is important that nerve pain must be treated, treatment for peripheral neuropathy depends on the cause. When the illness is in a severe stage, treatments called for can vary from injections, physical therapy, and/or surgery. Treating neuropathy can include taking over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen to lessen the discomfort and pain.
Peripheral neuropathy can sometimes be caused by vitamin deficiency, specifically Vitamins B and A. Vitamin B is significant in maintaining nerve health, while lack of Vitamin A can bring about nerve damage. Supplements are sometimes recommended by primary care doctors even if one’s diet includes some Vitamin B nutrients. However, it’s important follow the recommended dosage in order to avoid the worsening of symptoms and prevent toxicity due to overdosage.